You’ve Got The Magic Password

Have you ever read bible verses that made you feel his presence while reading? I have, especially when I read them repeatedly. No matter how frequent I read them, I still feel there’s more to this scripture than I read; and that underneath, is something magnificent waiting for me to exploit. I was reading Mark 16: 17-18 and realised this is the best way to read it.

These attesting signs will accompany
those who believe in my name:
In my name,
they will drive out demons,
In my name,
they will speak in new languages.

They will pick up serpents
In my name,
and even if they drink anything deadly,
because of my name,
It will not hurt them,
In my name,
they will lay hands on the sick;
and they will get well.

Why the unending repeat of “In my name” you ask? His name is power, it is the greatest name, the name in which all things great and small, in and out of the universe takes its origin. His name is Jesus,  call on His name. Call on Him now.

The significance of Easter is that we’ve been given the power to do all these supernatural things in His name. Failure to do them is undermining the power you have as a result of the cross. Would you let the power go to waste? Or would you put it to use? The choice is yours. I advise you to Arise! Perform these seemingly magical acts “In His Name” in Jesus’ Name.

I hope you had an amazing Easter celebration? The celebration shouldn’t end. Keep rejoicing.

I Love you & God Bless You


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