My Mother’s Diary
In my Mum’s diary are many stories and penned down thoughts. Stories and lessons learned from over five decades on earth and over twenty-nine years of marriage. I believe these stories would be of immense blessing to you as it was to me. Join me as I unfold yet another story from my mother’s archive.
I was working on my phone when a sponsored advert suddenly popped up. I usually pay little or no attention to things like this, but this one caught my attention. It offered what I wanted for my son; a good phone which didn’t cost much. I followed the prompts through till I got to the line ‘Terms and Conditions Do Apply’. No matter how much I wanted the phone, I had to stop, read and understand the terms and conditions before making the decision to continue. I knew once I agree to the terms and conditions, I would be subjected to their terms.
Do you know ‘Terms and conditions do apply’ in marriage? Yes, they do. Unfortunately, some of us don’t take time to search out the terms and conditions with understanding. While those who do, don’t consider it important to give it enough attention and the commitment it deserves, before jumping into marriage.
Some were courageous to learn and adjust in marriage. Some jumped in and ended up jumping out while some stayed and endured being hurt and bitter. We can avoid these casualties and enjoy the benefits in marriage to the maximum.
We must remember that terms and conditions are not drawn by the beneficiary but by the promoters. This is the same in marriage. Marriage is an institution created by God with terms and conditions, it was never man’s idea.
According to the English by Oxford dictionaries, an institution could be termed as an established law or practice. In marriage God is the intiator, while his laws or practice (otherwise called Terms and Conditions) is ‘His word’. It is therefore important to have the knowledge and understanding of the law and practice (His word) as regards marriage so as to enjoy the maximum benefit it gives.
Many have the notion that the Bible didn’t say much about marriage, this is far from the truth. Sons of God, the married and single, are called to live by every word that proceeds from God. The same fruit of the Spirit which dwells in the life of a son or daughter of God should reflect also in their marriage. For example, Paul’s letter to the Ephesians church was addressed to the saints and to the faithful in Christ Jesus; with additional instruction to those who were married among them. The singles just as well as the married couples were called to be followers of Jesus and to walk in love, eschewing evil.
The Terms and Conditions in the marriage of a believer is to live as sons and daughters of God even in marriage, guided by the Word of God and led by his Spirit.
May the eyes of our understanding be enlightened, and may we enjoy marital bliss. I was particularly blessed by this article from my mothers’ dairy. It made me see things from a more practical perspective.
What other things do you think people often miss out before marriage?
As the saying goes ‘It takes a good Christian to make a good marriage’
This blessed me and I think I’d like to share with my choir members.
I don’t need to take permission for that.
Many blessing Ma.
Sam Ajayi.
It blessed me too. Thanks bro. Absolutely no need for permission. Thank you!
Well detailed… Understanding is very key to terms and conditions.. Thank you for sharing more light.. Keep making effective progress.. God Bless You Richly
Thanks a bunch!
After reading this post, I got my hand on a magazine that lead me to reading 1Corinthians 7. That’s when I realized that a lot of instructions in the Bible are Terms and Conditions. Thanks for sharing the treasure in Mummy’s Diary with us Tosin. Such a lovely note. Will definitely keep it close to my heart
Very true! The word of God contains a lot of Terms & Conditions which are easy to follow. His yoke is gentle and humble in heart and we will find rest doing so. You’re welcome Gbenga. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely piece. A reminder to always take time to consider the terms and conditions before getting involved.
Awesome! A great reminder to been patient to understand the terms and conditions. Most importantly how we are called to live based on the terms and conditions.