Please Wait While Your Transaction is Processing…

Its amazing how one thing leads to another.

Recently, I decided that it was time to step out of my comfort zone a little more, sharing a little more of my talent beyond the four walls of my room, my family and close friends.

I have a flair for English, so I wasn’t surprised when I found myself mimicking the voice of an ATM machine. Perphaps it’s due to my months as an intern in a bank…oh well. So here is the main gist, I came across this brief inspiration from an unknown author and immediately I knew I needed to share it.

Here is a short clip of my mimick before you delve into the inspiring words below. (Puts hands over eye lids *I’m shy* 🙂 )

I set my foot at the bank by the ATM to get some cash because I dearly needed the money. As I started to transact, the ATM showed me an inscription which said,
“Please insert your card”. I obeyed.

Then another message came,
“Please enter your pin code, which I did”.

Another message came, “Select the amount,
This time I did obeyed with a smile 🙂 .

After I had done all this, the ATM showed me a message in BOLD letters.


As desperate as I was to get the money, I had no choice but to wait.

You may have done all the necessary things to get your prayers answered; you have prayed, you have fasted, you have even asked others to pray with you and for you but it seems as if nothing is happening in your life.

Allow me to say to you, wait patiently don’t give up; don’t move because your request is being processed. WAIT.

I had no choice but to wait because my card was already in the ATM machine and my pin code. If I give up now and walk away…Lord have mercy! The next person will get all that I had requested.

It is not because your messages aren’t heard, it’s not because your prayers are irrelevant, neither is it because your fasting is meaningless but because YOUR TRANSACTION IS BEING PROCESSED.

Wait and murmur not. Do not think you were born to suffer. Your prayers are being processed just the way an ATM needs to process your request and the attendant at a restaurant needs to pack your order.

Wait upon the Lord Psalm 37:7 [AMP] Be still before the Lord; wait patiently for Him and entrust yourself to Him; Do not fret (whine, agonize) because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

I know it’s not easy but I encourage you…WAIT.


I Love You & God Bless You


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