The Success Story Behind A Funny Six letter Word

Seated and having some free time, I recall a major event which recently took place that turned out extremely Great!

Great! Not because it was a major event, but because the long hours, weeks, months and year of hard and painful work, coupled with keen focus and speed turned out to be fruitful.

The result was so massive that it turned out to be way beyond expectations. It was so great that it took a while to keep up with the demands the success brought.

As this company hit great success, one thing truck me-

They worked simultaneously as they rejoiced. They refused to rest of their oars. They kept running, kept their focus, maintained their speed and kept on innovating as they retained their humility.

This my friend is the summarized success story of at the recently concluded Yakata 2014 Sales. (Yes! the funny six letter word is Y.A.K.A.T.A.(read on  for more details on Yakata)).

Why am I sharing this? Imagine if our lives were to be the big event -Yakata and we applied these basic success steps to our lives…imagine…

Often times opportunities meet us either unprepared or incompletely prepared and when we do encounter success, we rest on our oars expecting the success of yesterday to sustain us at the peak tomorrow. 

The process of success is tedious and sometimes painful but the result will always be worth our while. When success is attained, we must keep pressing on for sustenance and to attain greater heights.
May we all find the zeal and courage to embrace the process of success in Jesus name. 

Before you sign out, Kindly do these 3 things:
– Check out the facts and figures of Konga’sFall Yakata Sales <here
-Take note of and apply their basic success steps

-Kindly share this post and leave a comment.

Best Regards,

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