While Waiting for Marriage

While Waiting…A True Life Story

A Book Review

Something had drawn me to While Waiting…my search for love and fulfillment by Fikayo Adeyinka.  Although I naturally lean towards books on love and relationship (romance and adventure genre), this attraction was different and I was curious. I definitely was too busy to add another book to my reading list; but I bought this book anyway.

As soon as I returned home from work the next night, I had barely taken off my shoes when I flipped through to a chapter I thought was the highlight of the book, and I found myself engrossed. Hours passed and I couldn’t let go… then wisdom told me I had to rest for the next day of work. Sadly I obeyed,  at least I had satisfied my curiosity to an extent.

The next day I started from the first chapter like a normal reader should. In a nutshell, While Waiting is a true life story of a single lady desperate for love. In a society where marrying before the age of 30 is paramount, the author had not just clocked 30 but was over 30.

To the best of her knowledge she tried different things both spiritually and physically to get out of this situation to no avail. Until she finds herself in Christ, discovers her purpose and fights her battle to freedom. Although, she was a Christian, she discovered that finding herself in Christ was a different ball game entirely.Proposal


“In the book, Fikayo shares her challenges as a child from a broken home, the search for love and validation, her hunger for spiritual growth and quite vividly, her quest for deliverance from a debilitating spiritual bondage”. This was the highlight of the book for me, not just because it felt like I was reading an African Magic story but mainly because she shared how she got the victory and this steps are practical principles to overcoming any spiritual warfare on might face.

All through the book, I could feel it was written by someone who had a personal relationship with God and had been empowered to write about her story. I couldn’t help but admire her courage to tell her life story especially the not so gloomy sides as well as appreciate her publishers Grace Springs Africa Publishers for the awesome job.


The book has a down to earth conversational and lightly humorous tone as she addresses the issue of self-esteem, spiritual husband and how to enjoying your life while waiting… for marriage.

It is a must read for every single (male and female) searching for love, freedom, meaning and fulfillment.

Was any of these scenarios relatable? Please share your views and don’t forget to buy and recommend the book to others.

To get the book call 0808 614 5728; 0908 441 5328 or send an email to whilewaiting.ng@gmail.com

I Love you & God Bless you



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